As teens and youths, we are bound to face certain circumstances and experience life more than the grown-ups, most especially now that the world is evolving. Young or old, everyone has to take a risk and this same everyone should be ready to face the world just as Jesus did. In this current generation, who you are has been swallowed by what you are, simply because it is what you are to people that control where you be.
In actual sense, a person will always stand out and be unique, only if or she is able to represent himself or herself. Materiality does not define who you are, following the crowd does not define who you are, your status does not define who you are, it only gives identity to what you are.
To face the world, you need to know who you are, fight for who you are and represent who you are. Facing the world is not a battle, it is a stepping stone. Take for example, Jesus, who is celebrated this season, He is celebrated today because He was able to represent who He was while on earth. He came, He suffered, He taught, He faced the world, He died and stepped into everything we desire:
-: Greater glory.
-:Beauty. et cetera.
There are several ways we can face the world, just as Jesus came as a man and was able to face the world, so also GOD who has called or calls us "sons and daughters" helped Jesus, He will also help us if only we let Him.
1) Spirituality: When the glory of GOD is upon your life, there is a brightness you are filled with. Spiritually, a man should grow because it helps build his faith. "Draw nearer to Me and I to you. GOD is the giver of all things, having a spiritual relationship with Him is like having an inseparable bond with the highest authority. Jeremiah 33:3 says it all and when you depend totally on GOD, then you will be able to overcome the world. The bible also says, "If GOD be for me, who can be against me" not even the world.
2) Physically: As a teen or youth, we are still young and energetic, so we should be ready to "take the heat" physically because to manifest spirituality, you require the physical strength.
3) Internally: It is good to be confident but not over-confident, I remember when I was going through the bible and a passage caught my eyes, "Over-confidence kills". In the right wisdom, we should pray to GOD to give us the appropriate confidence, flaws that we require to face the world and if you believe, all other things will fall in place. The rest is up to you, to face the world. John14:1&27.
REMEMBER: "A man of integrity is a man of honour"
"A woman whose pride, she treasures with dignity is a woman of glory". Amen.
Excitement and inspiration from me and you for everyone. Come chilax with your other Bees.
Wednesday, 26 December 2012
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
100 names I call my GOD.
-The Redeemer. -Merciful father.
-Lord Almighty. -Prince of peace.
-Holy One of Israel. -Great healer.
-God of all the earth. -Spring of life.
-Compassionate GOD. -Great warrior.
-Convenant GOD. -Good shepherd.
-Ancient of days. -True leader.
-Almighty GOD. -Miracle worker.
-Everlasting father. -Sacrificial friend.
-Yaweh. -My best friend.
-Shammah. -Giver of all wisdom, knowledge and
-Amen father. -Creator of Heavens and earth.
-King of kings. -Supreme being.
-Lord of lords. -Supernatural being.
-I am that I am. -Father of the whole earth.
-Faithful GOD. -Redeemer.
-Supreme being. -Great counsellor.
-Emmanuel. -Restorer.
-Elohim. -Greatest of all philosophers.
-Omniscient. -Treasurer of all souls.
-Omnipresent. -Jealous GOD.
-Great provider. -Glorious GOD.
-Jehovah Nissi. -Rock of ages.
-Elshaddai. -The great assurance.
-Alpha and Omega. -Majesty.
-Kabiyesi. -Great man in battle.
-Chukwu. -Holy GOD.
-Abasi. -Jehovah Jireh.
-Yesu. -Overcomer.
-Lily of the valleys. -Lamb of GOD.
-Protector. -The spring of life.
-Shallom. -Love.
-Lord of the tribe of Judah. -Wonderful.
-Jealous GOD. -Beautiful.
-Unshakeable father. -GOD the father, the son and the Holy
-Most high. -Bride groom.
-Bright and morning star. - Most high.
-Gracious father. -LORD GOD Almighty.
-The Shepherd. -A place of refuge and fortress.
-Saviour. -Water of life.
-Bread of life. -True vine.
-Sufficient GOD. -Son of righteousness.
-King of the earth. -Adonai.
-Marvellous. -GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
-Lord of Israel. -Son of man.
-Great guide. -The way, the truth and the life.
-The door. -Resurrection and life.
-Adonai. -Jehovah Rohi.
-Messiah. -Living water.
-My all in all.
Saturday, 1 December 2012
It is too much of everything that kills a man. Therefore, overconfidence is what kills a man and even the scriptures has confirmed this. I enjoy watching the imperfectly perfect to the perfectly imperfect. Never let your strength or strong point bring about your downfall.
A strong man is insignificant unless he rules with impartiality.
Onething I have learnt is do not go after friends instead let them come after you i.e. a powerful man does not chase after friends, friends come naturally. A powerful man is a man who achieves all impossible through the grace of GOD. A powerful man is one who controls all things on earth in holiness. Through this blog, I desire the most to turn the impurities of life to purities of life through the mercies of Jesus Christ.
It is too much of everything that kills a man. Therefore, overconfidence is what kills a man and even the scriptures has confirmed this. I enjoy watching the imperfectly perfect to the perfectly imperfect. Never let your strength or strong point bring about your downfall.
A strong man is insignificant unless he rules with impartiality.
Onething I have learnt is do not go after friends instead let them come after you i.e. a powerful man does not chase after friends, friends come naturally. A powerful man is a man who achieves all impossible through the grace of GOD. A powerful man is one who controls all things on earth in holiness. Through this blog, I desire the most to turn the impurities of life to purities of life through the mercies of Jesus Christ.
Friday, 30 November 2012
As humans, we all need someone to talk to, someone we can rely on any time anyday, someone who knows our fears, someone who understands us, we need our own second, someone to trust. someone who loves us, someone who cares for us,a loyal person, we need someone that will always be there for us no matter what,someone who knows us, someone who understands our mood swings, someone who caters for us in time of need, someone who can protect us, someone who feels our pains who shares our pains, someone who leads you in the right path or way, someone who teaches and corrects us when we are wrong.
I am sure the question going through your heads right now, will be:
Does such a person exist? Yes, He exists, in our mind, our soul and our hearts if only we let Him.
Some people will now ask, how this is possible. Well, it is possible because all He needs is for the door to our hearts be opened. The only way to do this is through prayers and a constant relationship with HIM.
I am sure the question going through your heads right now, will be:
Does such a person exist? Yes, He exists, in our mind, our soul and our hearts if only we let Him.
Some people will now ask, how this is possible. Well, it is possible because all He needs is for the door to our hearts be opened. The only way to do this is through prayers and a constant relationship with HIM.
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Sunday, 19 August 2012
O R E U S.
1) Who is a true pastor?
2) What choice will you make between 100million dollars and Jesus? Imagining you need the money badly and at that point in time you are given the choice.
3)How many crowns awaits us all in Heaven?
4) Define love in your own way.
5)In a poetic form and in five sentences, write who GOD is to you.
O R E U S.
1) Who is a true pastor?
2) What choice will you make between 100million dollars and Jesus? Imagining you need the money badly and at that point in time you are given the choice.
3)How many crowns awaits us all in Heaven?
4) Define love in your own way.
5)In a poetic form and in five sentences, write who GOD is to you.
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
You are a jealous GOD
You are the King of kings
Lord of lords
I am that I am
Unshakeable father
Your yes is always yes
And your no always no.
Jehova nissi
Jehova El-shaddai
Elohim, Shallom, Shamai
Lily of the valleys
Rock of ages
Lord of the tribe of Judah
Alpha and Omega
Beginning and the end.
You remaineth the same
Yesterday, today and forever
You are our salvation
Creator of all things
Controller of the Heavens and the Earth
You are to be highly praised, glorified and adored.
You are the provider of all things
Protector of Your love
You are the merciful father, gracious father.
You are above all powers
Above all kings
Above all nations
Conqueror of all battles
Victory is Your name.
You are the faithful father
You are our guide
You that never faileth
You never ceaseth thy love
You are the unshakeable platform.
You are simply wonderful
Words cannot qualify Your beauty
I adore You Lord.
I can call You names
I can worship You all day
But I just want to say THANK YOU.
You are the King of kings
Lord of lords
I am that I am
Unshakeable father
Your yes is always yes
And your no always no.
Jehova nissi
Jehova El-shaddai
Elohim, Shallom, Shamai
Lily of the valleys
Rock of ages
Lord of the tribe of Judah
Alpha and Omega
Beginning and the end.
You remaineth the same
Yesterday, today and forever
You are our salvation
Creator of all things
Controller of the Heavens and the Earth
You are to be highly praised, glorified and adored.
You are the provider of all things
Protector of Your love
You are the merciful father, gracious father.
You are above all powers
Above all kings
Above all nations
Conqueror of all battles
Victory is Your name.
You are the faithful father
You are our guide
You that never faileth
You never ceaseth thy love
You are the unshakeable platform.
You are simply wonderful
Words cannot qualify Your beauty
I adore You Lord.
I can call You names
I can worship You all day
But I just want to say THANK YOU.
Monday, 13 August 2012
In life, we are all bound to face challenges either big or small but how we are able to overcome such issues and challenges inlife is all that matters. When life gives you a blow, you should always give it your hardest throw. Sometimes, the blow might come as a shock, might be unexpected but always be ready to take our victory. As we have in the first stanza of the poem, we should always be prepared for the difficult times, people neglrct training and are always lazy towards the challenges of lfe which makes them run away from challenges but as children of GOD we should always learn to take our victory and conquer all of our enemies because there is no gain without knowledge.
Few take life for granted but when life gives you a blow, you give it your hardest throw. Challenges come in different ways, blessings can also be wrapped up by challenges but with focus and faith we should be ready to give challenges our hardest victory. Finally, changes or rather changing can also be a challenge in our lives but that should not affect any areas of our lives because we are victorious children, we are fredas and when life gives you the strongest blow, you give it the hardest throw. Thank you JESUS, mercy said no, Stay blessed.
Driving could be easy
for those who know it
driving could be difficult
for the novice.
So also life could be easy
for the players
but when life gives you a blow
you give a throw.
Experience is the best teacher
experienced is the best learner
when life gives you a blow
you give it a throw.
Change is a constant phenomenon
adapting to changes is the importance
when life gives you a blow
you give it a throw.
Few take life for granted but when life gives you a blow, you give it your hardest throw. Challenges come in different ways, blessings can also be wrapped up by challenges but with focus and faith we should be ready to give challenges our hardest victory. Finally, changes or rather changing can also be a challenge in our lives but that should not affect any areas of our lives because we are victorious children, we are fredas and when life gives you the strongest blow, you give it the hardest throw. Thank you JESUS, mercy said no, Stay blessed.
Driving could be easy
for those who know it
driving could be difficult
for the novice.
So also life could be easy
for the players
but when life gives you a blow
you give a throw.
Experience is the best teacher
experienced is the best learner
when life gives you a blow
you give it a throw.
Change is a constant phenomenon
adapting to changes is the importance
when life gives you a blow
you give it a throw.
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
# "Do not push beyond the river bank because the more you push forward the more you sink inside".
# "Hold unto tomorrow like there is no yesterday, live today like there is no tomorrow and waste no moment tomorrow like its the end of the world".
# "One who drives you crazy is one who controls the authorities of your life".
# "The hope of tomorrow is what keeps a man going".
# "A journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step".
# "Hold unto tomorrow like there is no yesterday, live today like there is no tomorrow and waste no moment tomorrow like its the end of the world".
# "One who drives you crazy is one who controls the authorities of your life".
# "The hope of tomorrow is what keeps a man going".
# "A journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step".
I just want to formally welcome all teenagers and youths from all over the world to my blog, where creativity, inspiration and excitement are the order of the day but first I want to say a big thank you to GOD who has being my inspiration right from the onset. I hope in HIS infinite mercies to inspire you all. Please do not fail to leave your comments. Stay blessed bees.
We are young
We are rising
We are the hopes of tomorrow
We are the light that shines.
Frustration comes
When we go astray
But we do not care
Not because we are ignorant
But because we are lively.
We are taught to prepare for the worse
But we only prepare for the bad
Some struggle
While some just have fun.
We are loyal to the elders
Foolish to our mates
Stupid to life itself.
Like honey like sugar
Few waste time
While some wise up time
But in all,
We are a great future.
We are rising
We are the hopes of tomorrow
We are the light that shines.
Frustration comes
When we go astray
But we do not care
Not because we are ignorant
But because we are lively.
We are taught to prepare for the worse
But we only prepare for the bad
Some struggle
While some just have fun.
We are loyal to the elders
Foolish to our mates
Stupid to life itself.
Like honey like sugar
Few waste time
While some wise up time
But in all,
We are a great future.
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Its hard not for you only
but for us all
if you cant deal with the issues
then why try make me see reasons.
I am tough and you are tough
but without me, the road will be rough
you drive me away
but I am the landmark
and you are permanent
just like a birth mark
you push me away but I am your only source of joy
When you shout
I just stare because
I do not want the past
mixing with my present
unlike you, when I am gone
I never look at the past
so hold me tight with your will
so the desires of me become your turning point
then I know you have a sure key to my heart.....the middle
Saturday, 26 May 2012
Wars after wars.
the kingdom searched
for another hope
hanging unto the dreams
that kept them alive.
Struggles upon struggles
yet the warriors were still vain.
At the rising of the sun in the east
the saviour rose
singing the song of victory.

Celebrations reigned
throughout the harmony
when peace was once again
renewed and reassured
by the great kingdom.
Long live the Queen
the beauty is now the desires
of the triumph
the kingdom searched
for another hope
hanging unto the dreams
that kept them alive.
Struggles upon struggles
yet the warriors were still vain.
At the rising of the sun in the east
the saviour rose
singing the song of victory.
Celebrations reigned
throughout the harmony
when peace was once again
renewed and reassured
by the great kingdom.
Long live the Queen
the beauty is now the desires
of the triumph
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