I was a victim of the two words; beautiful or ugly, unable to identify where I belonged. Beauty does not depend on the outside alone but it absolutely depends on the inner self. Most teenage boys today do not assess a girl's beauty on the inside but only on the outside. A girl may carry on the best make-up ever and may look as beautiful as she seems but beauty does not mean body shapes and facial looks but it means everything good a person possesses.
Therefore to know if you have true beauty you have to carry inside you these 4 factors:
CONFIDENCE/ CARRIAGE: beauty depends on how you are able to carry yourself and your looks. No matter how your face may be, you should be able to carry yourself in a graceful manner.
ATTITUDE: your attitude says a lot about you and your personality. A good attitude is a true beauty.
RESPECT: you should learn to respect yourself and others.
EXPRESSION: your expression matters a lot, we have facial expression which speaks a lot about everything in general.
You might have all these factors but you also have to fear the LORD because according to the bible a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Beauty does not determine everything. In general, true beauty is:
We should not try to beautify ourselves unnecessary make-up because GOD has made beauty in us.
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